true love

What is belief but faith lived and experienced. A testament to what we believe. What we feel we are worthy of in this world. 

Ages ago at university we had a nearby watershed we could easily escape to. Minutes away from campus and an overcrowded metropolis we are under cavernous canopies of mist fed giant ferns and cushions of moss blanketing the ground. 

In the pounding spray of the waterfall we drop our cares as we peel off into crystal cold pools. Wading wet and wild through shadowed trails and streams. Heat and sweat cooling off in the chill damp air. 

Trailing off from the others in our private bubble - closing in, touching, breathless. 

When love first approached my seventeen year old self it caught me young and fresh. Newly formed, with little life experience and no major traumas. Walls not yet put up. Armor not yet put on. Exposed and without artifice. 

My faith in loving fully and fiercely still intact and unchallenged. 

Yer love slipped in - not grandly or biblically. Love quiet and glowing in the intimate face of the one I chose to love on this day. 

When we finally step out of the water we hold each other up. Compounding our courage. If we wanted to drown we would. Yet we don't. 

The struggle and years yet to happen. Now is enough. No need for more. Simply surrendered. No drowning today. 

I want to live. I want to love. I walk across any terrain. Fearless and free. Fluid and flowing. I take the hand offered. I realize it belongs in mine. 


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