
Is it so hard to accept that a person can actually prefer to be solitary? Solo? Alone? You would think it would be the saner choice. We’ve watched couples – even among the best – they all compromise. 

Is there ever such a thing as equals? A balanced relationship? Two individuals – independent? Interdependent? Committed to each other? If it exists it has yet to manifest. 

Eastern and western culture seem so definitive about roles. Though no one can seem to agree on what exactly these roles entail. Child. Adult. Parent. Spouse. 

How do we interact? We can’t even agree on these roles. What are they for each individual? One, either or both. It’s hard enough to know oneself. Thoroughly. Fully. Completely. 

To be together. Wholly with another? Not one and the other? Is there such a thing as mutually surrendered? At the same time or in turns? 

I love you – you love me. All that it is. No – I love you as much as you love me. Conditional conditions. Collaborative collaborations. It’s a dance few ever learn and fewer still get to master. 

Love sprouts from the core. Transcending our bodies. Connecting individual life force with the energy of the universe. Our heart, the portal love travels through - in and out. As we breathe. 

The breath contains the energy that connects all living beings. Being alive. Living life. Driven by breath. Life. Love. Motive. Motion. 

It is not an object. It cannot be possessed, taken, held. Love transports. Out of ourselves. Beyond space and place. Past age and death. Love creates. It is sacred. 

Love is self-generating. All we seek we already are. Don’t look for love – be love. Not separate. Not isolated. Not other but one and the same. Complete and whole. All and everything. 

This is the creative nature of love.


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